Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day
KSh 200.00
When Life is Filled with All the Things,
Begin Your Days with the Most Important Thing of All
Life is just . . . a lot. Relationships are hard. Responsibilities are piled high. And it seems like all the things are distracting you from the very best things of all. There’s little time left for yourself–or for connecting with Jesus.
No wonder you feel anxious in your mind and hurried in your heart. You desperately long for calm amidst your clamoring duties, stacked schedule, and life’s unexpected circumstances. But where do you begin?
More than anything else, your heart needs a refreshing encounter with God each day. Trusting God in All the Things offers women like you a way forward so you can experience the confident calm you crave.